Association membership is open to any individual who was formerly
or is currently assigned to any unit of the 14th Field Artillery Regiment. Special memberships may be granted to any
individual or group demonstrating support to or interest in the Regiment.
Why become a member? We have all established a bond , not only with those that we served with, but
with an experience that many can only surmise. The places we have been, the things we have done, the things
we have witnessed, are our memories; memories that only a veteran can lay claim to. We share the distinction of having worn
the uniform of the United States Army and we did our duty to the best of our ability. Now our duty is to preserve the history
and to pass on the legacy of the Regiment.
If you have not served with the 14th Field Artillery but wish to join the Association as an Associate
Member, print & fill out the form below, and at the bottom of the form provide a brief explanation for your application.
Established dues also pertain to Associate Membership.
"The gun is the rallying point of the detachment, its flag, its banner. It is that to which the men look, by which they
stand, with which they fall. As long as the gun is theirs they are unconquered, victorious; when the gun is lost, all is lost.
It is their religion to fight until the enemy is out of range or until the gun itself is withdrawn, or until both it and the
detachment are in the hands of the foe."